Data-Driven Change Management: All You Need to Know

6 min readJan 25, 2021


Photo by Ross Findon

Change is hard for everyone. Nobody likes to change. But if you want your business to grow then change is necessary. And if you’re having a hard time getting your team to not only accept change but embrace it, then you need to learn about change management.

Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means, we’ve got your covered. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the best change management tips.

What Is Change Management?

Businesses must grow, and with that growth comes change. Sometimes it’s welcomed change, other times it’s not. How we deal with and adapt to that change is called change management.

Change management happens at both the individual and organizational levels. And when it comes to gracefully and successfully adapting to change, how our team handles it is usually tied to how the C-suite handles it.

When orders are dictated down with new processes and without explanation, change is usually met with resistance. This is only human nature. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

It can’t be stressed enough the importance of change management from the top down to see the most successes system-wide. So, how can executives better equip their teams to handle change?

By taking it one step at a time, being completely transparent, and sharing the data each step of the way. Let’s break it all down so you can see just how your business can successfully adopt change and grow even more.

Who Can Benefit from a Change Management Plan?

To start, you need to show your team who will benefit from the change and how. By sharing this vital information in the beginning you will have more buy-in from your team throughout the process.

Every individual on your team is unique and brings with them their own unique skills and talents. The same is true with how they handle change, each person will cope with it differently. However, you can provide them with the tools and environment to successfully adapt no matter how large the situation or new system.

At the organizational level, you will need to identify the teams or individuals who will be impacted the most by the changes. Then you need to convey to those individuals what the end result will look like, and show them intricately how they will benefit from these new changes.

Finally, after you’ve shown them the final destination you can map out the process for how to get there.

How to Manage Change in Business

The change management process has several steps. The first two we addressed in mapping out the vision and sharing it with your team members. Now you will move on to creating the roadmap so everyone can know where they are and anticipate what is coming next.

To create your roadmap, you need to start with a few key factors. You should first identify the following elements so they can be planned for:

  • Resources needed
  • Scope of the project
  • Amount of time involved
  • Total cost

Now, you need to provide these resources and keep the communication lines open as your team implements the change. Regardless of whether or not the change is large or small, these steps should always be taken so that everyone feels a part of the process. Your employees want to feel part of the team, they don’t want to be dictated to.

Make them a part of the process by being transparent and sharing each of these elements of your roadmap with them.

Why Data Can Be the Best Change Catalyst

Additionally, while you’re on the journey, you need to track certain data. And this data should be shared with everybody so they can see how they’re doing. This will do a couple of things:

  1. It will set the tone when things are going well and encourage everyone to keep going
  2. It will also show them where they might be falling short and need to make more changes

Either way, it’s important to track the data and share it with everyone on your team. As the leader of your team or company, it’s imperative that you provide this dashboard of information regularly for your team. The data doesn’t lie and it shows clearly how your company is doing throughout your transition.

Data is everywhere these days, it can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking at. However, when you’re armed with the right data you can secure a distinct advantage over your competitors. And this is even more true when it comes to change.

What Data You Need to Track

To begin your journey, the first set of data you need to track and share with your team is your current baseline. Whatever it is that will be changing, where do you currently stand?

For example, if you’re changing the manufacturing process of your product to speed up production, then how many do you currently manufacture each month? Or, if you’re changing the sales process, how much do you currently sell each month or quarter?

The second piece of information many members of your team will want to see after the current baseline is how much time this new change will cost them. You can show them this clearly with a time tracking tool. When they can see how much time will be saved, you will have engagement from your team throughout your transition.

Now, when you share this information with your team, they can see how the current method is, or isn’t, working. This alone might be motivation enough for some of your team members to implement the change.

Others might be slower to come around and that’s okay because you’re going to stay transparent and keep communication open throughout the process. Many people resist change simply because they’ve learned to distrust management. The process outlined in this article will give you the advantage over your competition in showing you how to get complete buy-in and trust from your team.

While your competition might be comfortable doing things they’ve always done, you’re moving forward. Your team is on the cutting edge and embracing change because you set up a system in the beginning and continue to be transparent with your change management.

Track and Adapt with Data

You need to do the same with your data. Big data is the wave of the future and it’s how your company can stay one step ahead of the rest. When you were growing your business in the beginning you made certain decisions based on your gut instinct. However, as you grow more, you need to track the right data so that you can make the most informed decision you can for your company.

You started this journey by painting the picture of where you wanted your team to go with your company. Then you shared with them how your company is currently doing. Your team can take that information and create the strategies and tactics to implement this transition.

Now, as you continue throughout the process of change, you can’t stop tracking the data. This is what will empower your organization to rise above the rest and continue to be the leaders in your industry.

Even large organizations can be agile with the right information. It can be hard to turn a large ship, however, when everyone on your teams sees the progress they will be motivated to continue on.

This is why it’s so important to share the data with your team so they can see the progress they’re making. Sometimes, when the finish line is too far away it can become discouraging and many will want to revert back to their old way of doing things. While that may be comfortable, it’s not how great companies are built.

And you run a great company. Your organization can be at the front of your field when your team embraces new ways of doing things.

Drive Successful Change with Data

As you implement these changes, your team can change the culture of your organization. You can create a culture that embraces change and embed this new way of doing things so deeply that nobody remembers the old way of doing things.

And you made this entire process successful back at the beginning when you set the vision for your team and then guided them along the way.

You knew that change management wouldn’t be easy. Yet, you invested in your team and showed them how to embrace change. Now, your company is ready to lead from the front of your industry thanks to this simple process made possible by tracking the right data.

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