How to Improve Business Performance with a Chatbot

5 min readJan 25, 2021


Photo by Franki Chamaki

A CHATBOT is an AI-supported software that can minimize your efforts to a large extent. With chatbots in the picture, you don’t need to invest tons in customer support activities. You can enjoy the benefit of automation and invest more in innovative aspects.

An AI chatbot can bring efficiency to your business. In fact, the contributions of a chatbot in building a productive workforce are also remarkable. If you’re confused about the advantages of an AI chatbot, we’re here to help.

Read this article to find out how chatbots can improve the overall performance of your business.

Free Up Employees’ Time and Engage Them in Something Meaningful

A chatbot can take charge of the repetitive tasks that are normally handled by your employees. By adding a chatbot to your site, you can easily lift off the loads from employees’ shoulders and engage them in more innovative activities. A chatbot automates customer support, lead generation, resolving customer queries, and other similar routine activities.

Hence, these tasks can now be completed at a faster speed and without any errors. When employees are free from these tedious activities, they can focus on more meaningful responsibilities and this will result in a greater level of productivity and motivation for them.

A Chatbot Can Take Customer Service to the Next Level

Chatbots use Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. With extensive NLP support, chatbots can respond to customer queries faster and communicate without any inhibitions. Unlike human beings, chatbots can stay available 24/7 and offer an assured response anytime and anywhere.

Surveys have shown that chatbots can resolve up to 70% of queries without any human interference. In fact, for complex queries, chatbots can easily connect a customer with human executives. Chatbots can also be integrated with other applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc. A dedicated team of developers can help you in your aim to offer unlimited support to customers from the apps they are most comfortable with.

Emphasize on Customers’ Feedback

If you’ve installed a data-driven chatbot to your website, it can fetch you a lot of data relevant to customers’ ratings, reviews, and feedback. The data generated and stored by a chatbot can easily be used for real-time analytics. From these datasets, an organization can find out who their target customers are, what they want, what are their problem areas, etc. Hence, a chatbot can provide consistent support to your marketing strategy formulation and implementation.

A chatbot can also provide feedback depending on its interactions with different customers. Hence, as an employee training software, the contributions of chatbots are incomparable. Based on a chatbot’s feedback, employees can be trained to improve their interactions with customers. Based on the reviews of a chatbot, an enterprise can add or update new training and development tools to the system for employees’ benefits.

Many organizations use the insights recovered from a chatbot for the purpose of knowledge development programs. If you’ve added a chatbot, you can make optimum use of this tool for better customer engagement and skill development of employees.

Offer Multi-lingual Support to Customers

When customers are seeking support from you, it is very likely that they’ll demand support in their native languages. Unlike a human being who can only be efficient in 2–3 standard languages, a chatbot can provide you multi-lingual support. Hence, with a chatbot, satisfying customers becomes easier.

Chatbots may offer support in 50+ languages. With the automated multi-lingual support feature, an organization can easily engage customers. In fact, with a chatbot, you can effectively generate more leads and convert them into regular customers using the multi-language support feature. Since chatbots are AI-driven tools, they’re intelligent enough to understand the underlying purpose of a particular conversation.

Hence, it can go in-depth to figure out what are the challenges a customer may face for projecting a particular query. This is another effective function of chatbots. If they can identify the purpose of queries from customers, they can always put efforts to improve customers’ experience within the website. The fact that a chatbot uses customers’ native language to interact, makes the entire experience even more satisfying. This feature is also noteworthy.

Attention to Personalization

Do you know what is the best tool to build your brand’s identity? It is personalization. With the utmost level of personalized products/services, you can easily create more loyal customers. This, in turn, will help you grow your customer base and add more loyal customers to the existing group.

However, reaching the utmost level of personalization is not very easy. For startups, it is even more difficult considering the excess logistics and operational costs involved in this process. Do you know how you can avoid such massive expenses and still manage to personalize your customer service? By adding a chatbot to your site.

Chatbots are interactive technologies and you can always consider them as your digital assistant. Unlike human assistants, a chatbot is never exhausted. Chatbots never sleep and they provide 24/7 live support to the customers. Each interaction with a chatbot is completely personalized and provides customized responses to the customers.

Chatbots can send reminders, discount notifications, new product information, book tickets, send emails, and whatnot! Hence, based on your requirements, you can narrow down the ideal chatbot of your choice and go for it. The attention to personalization is the main reason behind including a chatbot in your business strategy.

Final Words

We hope it’s clear to you how a chatbot can easily improve your business performance. However, what you need to ensure is that you’ve selected a chatbot that meets all your requirements. Different businesses have different requirements and based on that you need to select different chatbots.

For example, if you plan to use a chatbot for customer support automation, then you must emphasize that while selecting a chatbot vendor. Once that’s done, you’ll enjoy unlimited growth and the presence of a productive workforce.

This post is contributed to by Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, and Director of eSparkBiz Technologies.




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